Biggest Mistake in Travel Budgeting


Biggest Mistake in Travel Budgeting

Whenever we read any posts about travel budget planning, it amazes us anew how much some travel friends spend during their stay abroad. The problem here is mostly due to one cause.

We are a vacationer and not traveler!

The very normal everyday life

What do we mean by that? It’s quite simple. Let’s take a look at everyday life in our beloved homeland.

We go to work, earn our money and look out of the window again and again while we daydream about faraway journeys. In order for these beautiful dreams to partially become reality, we save every month and put something aside. while we count the days.

The biggest mistake when traveling

Then the time has finally come. The well-deserved vacations are finally here and we can finally board the plane. Just relax for two weeks or experience the next adventure in a foreign country.

Immediately after arrival we call a cab that takes us to our 5 star hotel. There arrived we take us also equal the flyer of the reception with, on which great massages and wellness offers are listed. After all, one should treat oneself to something. Now we explore the new destination and in the evening we fill our stomachs in a good restaurant. Then go for a drink in a bar, but not for too long, because tomorrow there is already a tour. And so on. Every single day.

Continue to live normally while traveling

Maybe you’ve already figured out the mistake yourself. If not, we’ll be happy to rub your nose in it.

You live for the few vacation days a year!

Imagine how far your budget would stretch if you continued to do the same abroad as in your beloved home country? Or do you go to restaurants several times a day at home and treat yourself to a few drinks in a bar before going to bed? Do you constantly go on discovery tours at home and then let yourself be pampered with a good massage in the evening? Does the cab constantly take you from A to B at home?

We don’t think so! And exactly this is the problem. We live for those few weeks of vacation that we worked hard for and blow our entire budget.

But, I want to enjoy my vacation!

Of course, we understand that. The only catch here is that with this attitude you will probably never or only very hard really scrape together the money that it takes for a longer trip. There’s nothing wrong with indulging in all the luxuries during your normal vacations.

If that makes you happy. But you should not forget that with such consumerism it probably goes home after 1-2 weeks. Because already way too much was spent. But if you dream of being able to stay longer in one place, to see more of the world and to be less dependent on your 9-5 job, then you have to rethink. Rethink your everyday life at home, as well as when you travel.

Rethinking done right

Looks like you are ready to rethink. Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this far. Congratulation! The thing is quite simple. To be able to travel more often and for much longer, you need to do things differently. Because each of us deserves to see more of this beautiful world.

You have to behave the same way on your travels as you do in your normal everyday life. Avoid cabs, expensive tours, luxury hotels and eating in restaurants all the time.

  • Walk as often as possible. It’s healthier anyway and an ideal way to discover new corners.
  • Expensive tours can be exciting, but are bad for the budget. Try to get things going yourself. You will also learn a lot more about the destination and save some money.
  • Luxury hotels are nice, but hostels or budget hotels are also nice places to stay. The nice thing is that you get comparatively whole weeks for the same price of one night in a luxury hotel. At the end, you just sleep there.
  • Everyone likes to be cooked for. However, this service also costs something. Just like at home, you can treat yourself to something every now and then abroad. If it has to be every day, you won’t get far with your budget back home either.
  • Download a travel budget app and track your expenses. We can highly recommend Wander Wallet or TravelSpend .

As a general rule:

All the things that are considered luxuries in everyday life are also luxuries on your travels. Now and then you can and should treat yourself to something, but not every day. Just like in your normal everyday life. All the experiences and encounters you’ll have thanks to better budgeting will remain priceless anyway.

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