The Nara Park is with its 8km² the home of over 1’200 wild deer. Already on the 20 minute walk from the train station towards the park you will see one or the other deer in the middle of the road.
Arrived at Nara Park you can’t believe it’s really happening. Left, right, front, back. Deer all around you! Almost has something of the movie Bambi. The deer are incredibly sweet and leave you alone for now. They are generally relatively well accustomed to daily human visits and do not harm anyone. The male deer also have their horns clipped every year so they don’t hurt anyone. Don’t worry, everything here is very animal friendly and no animal gets hurt in the process.
If you want to get a little closer to the deer, you should also offer them something to eat. They love dry cookies and rice cakes. You can also buy the latter at several locations in Nara Park. You should be a little careful when feeding them, as the deer are still wild animals. As soon as they notice that you have something to eat, they circle you from all sides and do not let up until they really realize that you have nothing left in your hands. It can also happen that male deer try to nudge you with their horns out of pure instinct. But since these are shortened, nothing should happen to you.